Thursday, November 10, 2016

Casual games vs RPG

There's casual games vs rpg's and casual games are the toss offs with deep internal play of a player's mind.  Much like poker the skills and game play in casual goes deep off surface simplicity.  Casual games are simple but at another level they are deep.  rpg's make no such bones and are an outright blizzard of progression bars.  You know where you're at by game bars in rpgs.   Casual games are not like that.  Sure they have progressions but no real recognition you've reached another level than you are scoring more points and tic off a whole level complete.  The background mental in a casual game is complex and deep but the play itself remains the same and simple.  The rpg goes on mobs, mob challenges and story challenges.  Sure there are story lines but ultimately they involve a mob.  d&d online did a good job of mixing mostly rpg with some puzzle elements.  The d&d online puzzles are super simple compared to casual games. 
Casual games puzzles take the form of complex patterns from the gameplay order of playflow.  The order of playflow in a casual game, comes and goes quick. you'll know within seconds if the pattern of click/tap you picked was the right one.  In rpgs the flow is just as fast but more simple, arm up, beat mob, done, next.  The complexity of rpgs comes from stories told by encountering the mobs there and story obstacles.  The complexity of rpg's is also in choice and acquisition of equipment to take on ever greater levels of the rpg.  Different forms of progression of casual and rpg, but very different ways of getting to the complex part of the game. 
Now World of Warcraft went and simplified something that was already simple.  They turned rpg into casual.  Now Im not sure what they've been up to over at Blizzard lately other than Overwatch.  Overwatch's competitive play idea is interesting as it would allow for more pro gamers.  The fantasy first person shooter impression I have of Overwatch so far holds some interest for rpg'ers from the fantasy setting.  For the non-twitch players rpg's remain enjoyable and challenging.  But to make money at them requires some effort as Entropia Universe is about the only place traditional rpg'ers can make a buck that comes back out of the game. 
Entropia Universe gets into a casual games and rpg games complexity with the idea of eco, and the many, many formulas, equations, and complexity of deep gameplay. 

I see maybe that the meta-aspects of these games is where the appeal is.  That a beginning player can dive in, play and get somewhere to be entertained.  Then the deeper into the play a player gets new complexities emerge and a player can play and be entertained by those aspects.  By having a game that reacts to meta-concepts and can be played outright while the meta gives the game much of its popularity and entertainment value.  Similar to how the same words mean different things to different people and even in the same person's line of thought a word can change meaning. So it is that the same game with the same game play means different things to different people and even within the same person's mind from play session to play session.  

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