Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 story halfway done so instead of a book ill never finish it becomes a blog post

version 3
The blinding lights as he was coming out of stasis to crashing and loud engine and porting noises alarmed Joab as he came out of the dream-like catacomb of th? begin your wonderful new life on the planet known as Carambouwe.  Good luck out there settler.  There was the teleport tinge again after he had stepped into the solid looking apparatus of the port machine.

He looked around where he had decided to go away from the city ports and other settlers, and into the wilds of Carambouwe to see if he could stake a claim.  He didn't see the large dino coming straight for him out of range of border protect cannons and he was immediately ripped to shreds.  He came to still feeling the tinge of revive porting.  The society he came from had conquered death but not dying.  He thought he needed some way to keep from being animal eaten again.  

hero is in entry ship, it gets attacked while hes instantiating
he waits and waits for the ship's systems to clear, during the wait gets unceremonously teleported down to planet draped in a dress up paradise
there are decisions on how to look and where to go in the new world, then gets unceremoniusly deposited onto a green fierce world where a small dinosaur immediately begins taking bites out of him

nah, too far back, but would make good newb story

part where he gets equipment, weapons, and meets a few people especially the love interest, 

she says, heya, having fun sweating while mythotetoing?
he says, yah, these Cleds and Cads hit like a truck every now and again, and tis revive run all over agains
she says, but yah, the mythoteosis supplies what the Ganacchuks need to keep their strange desires going
he says, then why do we collect it?
she says, well, to ah, i dont know you tell me
he says, i think its to keep their grips of control over us lowly settlers and mytho eaters
she says, but the powers with the stuff
he says, i keep wondering when the extractor gives out?
she says, well never, the Adoran corp makes a helluva extractor, and theres some secret parts that only allow theirs to work to get the mythoteosis, so ah, stuck with'em
he says, ah, thats the deal then, wondered why they were the only ones, 
she says, yah, the Ganancchuks probably worked out the deal so they can keep their supply flowing
he says, ah ok, yeah then, back to the squatting and motioning and the endless pull

hero is hanging out at camp daedalus, sees the birds of infinite light flying out as he gets scammed again by a erstwhile trader of farm goods, then a weapons dealer scams him, and the armor turns out to be less than protective against the weakest dangers of the wilderness of Marambouw. the hero is walking out from the city where the Cajun had sold him into armor and weapons to protect himself in the paradise just outside the city gates.  maybe the hero goes out first with no armor or weapons seeking the resources of the land free for the taking.  so he walks out, finds a scrappy looking buzzing creature that promptly kills him with a burning searing shock of electricity that stuns then kills the hero as his life force collapses and lucky for the hero the revive ports work and he can keep after making his living here on Marambouw, the promised paradise he found when reading the pamphlet from the Beta Company.  he sees another traveler at the revive post with him and starts a conversation on the opportunities of this planet.  as they joke over the abrupt death when just stepping outside the city out from the safety of the gun range laser, the other avatar makes a come on about mixing things up and the planet is not all it seems, the avatar heals him, gives him advice on sweating and free ride trading in this new world then makes a comment sweet and innocent on mixing it up and since they are attracted to each other the love interest turns out is after his free creds, and is definitely a feminine energy but masculine energy is present also but little matter when people can pick gender based on how they feel in the morning and the need for credits limits how much one can change looks, the scammers are perhaps the fistful of trouble, So he meets Cajun at the next revival abrupt death wherein he got a few bottles of vibrant mysthotesis but it took forever so they can go into a deal with him for weapons and armor but then he cant use the weapons and armor but a few times before they break and hes out in the wild when that happens as the dinosaur comes in sparkling and shocking him to death, he does get some mysthotesis but dies so fast, is like oh, here we go, collecting fine no problem now, o no, im going to get really hurt, armor should hold up, but nope, it doesnt, the shock goes straight to the hero's chest which explodes then its back to revive, the Cajun's there again hero complains the equipment failed.  the Cajun reassures him the equipment was good but the creatures are powerful.  so he floats him what to the hero is a lot of creds but where to spend them?  he meets with the male avatar again on his 20th, was it 30th revive, after being attacked by 10 aggroing mobs that made it impossible to collect any sweat. seems someone had herded the mobs and then left them to devastate the locals.   also the collector device doesnt work half the time and when it does it will fail just to be failing.  They each were so in flux to collect the mysthotesis a few bottles at a time that he doesnt know where the time goes but this is not the promised paradise, its gritty, its dangerous, there are no theaters but ad spaces for competing resource shops, the dude avatar tells him they can spend on the dark web to reveal the real business of the grit paradise, thereby paying up for a telephoto session he finds the avatar he thought was male is really a female, the anatomy checks out and they devolve into lustful satisfaction.
There's physical conflict and resolution from the small dinosaur.  The surprise twist may be the avatar he thought was a man is really a woman. they telephoto and the feminine energy is revealed.

how many times i gotta ask you to get me a cup of coffee?
i dont know, she turns her back
seems you've been trying to get me a cup of coffee for a long time
yeah, and you never seem to want it
well see now, things have changed, live rearranged, and me, i need a cup of coffee
well its too late now, i found another dude to give coffee to
so ah, guess my caffeine ran out?
maybe, but ah, life's got a funny way of rearranging and changing even yet again
into the wedded bliss she goes he thinks, and this time does it ring true?
in the depths of despair and despondency he turned his back yet again rejected spurned, defeated
not fearing he forged forward, found that something else he'd been searching for for a long time
but was it really his?
and would his next girl be nothing like his last girl?
of course in a world full of unique beings there had to be something else, the story would never end, the search would go on and on, 
if he wanted he could keep searching forever never finding, never knowing, 
how many times had he stood at the crossroads, not knowing which to go, just picked one and went
and saw where things developed and saw there was a lot more he couldnt see
and then he just sorta devolved down into his work and whistle and made what he could and what needed to be shared if only there were a willing audience, someone as interested in him as he was in them, and the search would go on until it didn't and the end of things would never arrive

the hero is then disillusioned that living is so difficult with this planet and finds out from the Cajun there is another planet not so far away where the opportunities exist but are hard to get to. therein from new love interest and the cajun he learns he can get to the other planet with some equipment from the central market, so he ends up selling his mythotetosis to a willing buyer who demonstrates the use of the stuff to heal him.  after many many hours of gathering the love interest goes off on her ventures and travels kept mysterious and hidden.
more grief is when he decides to visit another planet, ArDolse with broken down spacecraft smoking and sputtering, tooling slowly through space but still fast at light years speeds but in person the wait is impentrable.  He gets to ArDolse and is met with the same difficulties as Marambouw, even worse because there are less people to help with the dangers which are mainly the weakest of creatures that kill in one hit, Ardolse's creatures deal death in small doses and wear the hero down as he tries to get their hide to sell to gobbling texture and clothing traders.  he has to battle and outwit other hunters who chase the same resources he does even though it seems the supply of creatures will never end.   His internal conflict over the woman avatar is met by an outreach and opening up of feelings on who should be doing who and other obligations of being with whatever military happens to be active on a planet.
the second physical conflict may be the invading robot forces and joining the fight to defeat the huge warlord robots who attempt annihalation of the even fewer humans of the ArDolse planet.  so the robots seem to be more mutant than robot and either way slaughter the residents including the hero who gets stuck at a revive terminal.  the large laser gun installations keep the robots from taking out the revive terminals but the margin is low as they occasionally make it through to kill avatars at the revive, so get revived but immediately killed again and revive again.
the plot twist is the man avatar finding the body sculptor and dna engenderer to switch the interest's avatar from man to woman
and thereby create what in old earth was a fitting fit, and finding love amidst the gender bending can prove fault filled, confusing and revealing of what life's like with gender fluid body types that endlessly can change for the right price.
the third part is when the hero decides to return to Marambouw and in going through space, encounters pirates, space mobs, and a broke down ship
the plot twist is the love interest is a pirate who loves the hero but who cannot get past the pirating
the hero or the interest? both, sure, why not?
they seem a lot confused on what the other wants,  

the fourth part is the exiting space, fistful of trouble needed here, on descending from space and landing his ship breaks he falls from a great death splatting height, at the revive it appears the city is under attack from the robot AI forces so he gets stuck at revive, he takes some of the creds once he's out of that particular revive stop and gets scammed until he starts finding the central cred market and gets some tools he needs to help defeat the invading robots.  he finds the Cajun in a crumpled pile of bones from the robots.  the Cajun has gone link dead but why and how?  then he finds the love interest is behind some of this and she piles extra on him.  seems she was funneling resources to the robots and information so they can invade more strikingly. but eventually the robots are driven back from the Morambouew planet and the hero can get on with his trades and surviving the deadly dangers of this planet's new world wilderness.  then finding his niche as a hunter on Marambouw whereby he trades and makes the items that let other colonists exploit and survive and some even thrive on Marambouw, there the robots invade, same robots different planet and this time they have mind and spirit controlled the creatures of the planet being harvested to go against the humans harvesting them
the surprise is the love interest knew who betrayed the peoples of either planet and helped bring about the death and destruction and contributed to the troubles of the hero all along, so she may be the greatest villain of his of all even as she doesnt really care or understand what she has brought about in the mindless search for the essence of space travel, Doaroagroc knows and the Gannachuks brought about the world as such.

the Gannanchuks bring the chip inserters and the cranial tapping equipment to the hero
He looks fearful and puzzled at how the contraptions would let him use the force of his mind to create effects here in the real world
He'd seen a lot of weird and fantastic things but these contraptions looked daunting and powerful so he simply sat back in the chair but they asked him to stand, within seconds the device had been forced onto his skull and the insertion process began. After surprised flailing and contortions he screamed and yelled.  Then they removed the inserter.  He felt no different other than the residual process and shock of what he'd just been through.  He then saw a tingle of something in the back of his mind.  Was like a thing, green and pulsing.  The greens flowed as he traced out one line from his mind to his hands.  Within seconds, a green light burst from his hands and zapped a potted plant on the shelf into oblivion.  He had it.  He had used the mythoteosis he had gathered, had a chip inserted and now had the power to zap things with a green source of energy from his mind.  That was the power of the mythoteosis, and he knew things could never be the same.

So he immediately wanted to test the chip's force on the wildlife's essence that powered the mind magic.  He went out to the gathering fields.  Spotting a Camol grazing he approached having to respect the beast but intending to honor the beast at the same time he was hunting.  So he began the gathering process.  Then the Camol noticed and came barreling towards him horns and rough hide jumping.  That's when he raised his hands to his head and felt the power of the mythotetosis come to the fore.  The green burning light came shooting from his hands, quickly ending the Camol's grazing and aggression.  He skinned and prepped the hide getting what he could of the beast.  They usually had parts that worked well with the bizarre manufacturing of Carobouw.  And then with his powers proven he went on to thin the never ending herds of Camol.  After the 1000th one he figured he had enough to go to the central market and realize in credits the energy he had expended.  Within a few days the credits came in and he could do what was needed next.  That was to take on even more powerful beasts and dangers of Carobouw and more rare and valuable parts and creations.  

The Pallatadasaur bared it's fangs at the hero. He remembered that his new chips had the power to defeat the thing but not without some dangers.  The first bite bit into the hero's flesh.  He thought with the restoraiton mind chips inserted what he needed to restore his wounds.  Some mythotetosis's inventory went down but he had recovered.  He quickly unleashed blast after blast of the green searing energy that the chip with his mind made.  The Palllatadasaur went down in a burnt pile with some parts still intact.  Now for the next 1000 thought the hero and the many uses for the beast's parts.  He knew the parts brought good prices just finding a buyer.  The central market usually had someone looking for the stuff.  If that failed he would try his hand at making the items himself.  But first the next 10,000 Pallatadasaur.

So on a down day he was back in his room having contacted her and got her to come on over.  As they had sunk into custom brews and a soft mattress, the stroking on his cheek by her aroused the interest he had for her.  He brushed aside her betrayals and sunk into the ecstasy of the moments.  They took what they needed for each other, then were done.  

As the hero found out from the Gannadchuks that the Moarnl moon was not just a lump of rock.  When he went there he discovers there are creatures there on the surface. Then as he found out he could get mythoteosis from them so he did that a month.  As he explored the moon he came across a cave that led into the depths of the moon.  When he found the massive gated lock door he wondered what mystery lay beyond the huge metal barrier.  So he went to his friends who knew of it but no one knew what was beyond the metal abstraction.  So he finally figures out from browsing the central markets offers that the door could be opened.  So he generated the money needed, got the lamp light contraption to open the door.  The day he went to the metal obstruction was like any other day of work.  He flipped the lamp light into action and the door opened.  As he descended into the new parts of the moon he found a mass of rooms and long passages that eventually led to wide open dark cold places within the moon.  The electronics installed went on forever.  He then had questions as to why all the banks of switches, circuits, and hardware were here.  He guessed that they had a use for someone.  But who? And why?  The mystery would be saved for another time as he met a robot guardian of the tip of the installations came at him and drove him out of the complex.  He had explored maybe 2 kilometers of passage and knew there was more.  Just the guardian proved overpowering and challenging.  He wanted to gather the resources to know further.  And to learn more of the strange place. 

He meets a mature old tech from the time before the robot invasions.  He discovers her in a bar of all places where sharing a mythtoteosis flavored drink that the woman is a scientist who pulled together the tech of the place that she had to upkeep and install.   So they fuck and he finds out she also did maintenance and monitoring of the parts she had access to.  There was a lot to be kept up with as the part she worked on controlled agriculture and the land forms of the planet below.  As she was based on the station on the moon to do these things she knew the underground complex did at least that much.  She thought it was large but not the massive passageways the hero had gone to.  She rarely had to go and maintain the installation but worked mainly above ground with the abstraction of the system's behaviors and purpose with the interface terminal she used.  She delights in the program's ability to plot out which crop goes where and how best to support the population on the planet and the moon's people.  But as to what else it did she did not know. 

So he sat at the factory gidget floor watching the machinery turn through the materials he had gathered. He wondered a lot of things as the robots did all the work.  He found the use of the materials he would gather as exciting but then using the materials was boring and long acting.  However, when done, the central market had a hungry appetite for the components, weapons, and bomb surveying equipment he made.  So he made them and the contribution to the planet's economy was impressive.  It had taken him awhile to learn to use the equipment.  Lots of failures and ruined materials were how it was at first.  After the millionth try he had the hang of it but the machinery regularly broke down, the materials botched, and the final item less than perfect.  But then there were the times it worked and he got a salable product from his labors.  

The murderous violence of the beast's fangs and claws ripped him shred to shred, luckily the revive tech chips saved him again.  He knew not to tangle with that one again.  So the precious rare resources of that beast would wait for a time when he could better take the beast on.  He had seen other settlers take out the spiderous monstrosities, but they were beyond his powers and equipment for now.  So back to the collecting of the mythotetosis from the lesser wilds of Carambouwe.  His pace on the gathering worked well enough for intermittently but steadily gathering the magical force.  And there was always a ready market for the products.  So he kept at his grind and wondered where else or what else he could take on with the powerful mind chips he'd recently gotten ahold of thanks to the Gannachuks.  Maybe the Banseico bird-like creatures would yield to some effort.

He grabbed the sign from the ground saying he couldnt gather there. The local settler government made attempts to cut in on the settlers efforts.  He threw the sign at the next Carabowah that came at him.  He yet again had his extractor remove the creature of its essence.  A few laser shots later it lay dead where he eviscerated it and gathered the useful parts that were left.  After this thousandth gathering he had a full gunny sack of materials.  The gunny sack was a useful item.  By the tech of weightlessness, gravity defying, he could hold 1000's of pounds of material in it and carry it around as if it were the weight of one brick.  So he had plenty to make into the much needed items of Carambouwe.  He might get to feast on his efforts within the week. 

So at the creature feast he and her fine self came together into the massive celebration laid before them.  The beasts had succumbed this time for the benefit of the hero and his love interest.  They saw they really could make it despite the toughness and challenge of all the settler universe could throw at them.  They knew there was more to come.  The pain would subside and be relieved.  They could go on better, stronger, more apt and more able to overcome and become those things they needed and wanted to be.